Quilting Nona

Sunday, August 24, 2014

A Me Kind of Day

It's not often that all the stars are aligned and I find myself with a 'free' day; a day without any schedules to meet. I had one of those days smack dab in the middle of last week . . . a day all to myself. I  woke up feeling  as excited as a kid on her birthday!  I made a mental list of  the 'should do's' and the 'want to do's' and decided to ignore that proverbial Jimminy Crickett on my shoulder.  Grabbing my giant travel coffee mug and a carton of yogurt I headed upstairs to my sewing room.  Oh the chaos and clutter . . . I really should put some order into this room!  But not today ~ this is the last day of uninterrupted sewing before the start of the new school year . . . I can't hear you Jimminy! Lalalala!! Flipping on some easy listening tunes & dodging the land mines, I set about my goal of finishing the three remaining blocks of  Cora's Quilts Spring Quilt Sampler.  Marking the day's end with a frosty glass of Chardonnay and a crick in my neck, only 2 1/2 blocks were done.

A few phone calls catching up with friends and lots of sewing . . . it's so nice to have a me kind of day every once in awhile.

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